We prepare one night's worth of amenities upon check-in.
Extra amenities are available for up to 3 nights upon request.
(Amenity requests over 3 nights may incur additional charges.)
Extra amenities will be provided based on the occupancy standard
ㄴ1 face towel, coffee capsule, water
(Per person)
Room slippers (once per stay)
Bath mat (once per stay)
Bath towel (once per stay)
Coffee machine + Coffee capsules (Random)
Face towel / Water
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, Face wash , Hand wash
All amenities can only be requested from 9:00AM to 10:30PM.
To support our environmental efforts, dental kits are available for purchase.
Please note that Adapter, hair clipper and skincare products are not provided.
✔️Paid Amenities
After receiving all the amenities during your stay, You may request them for the following charges.
All amenities can only be delivered from 9:00AM to 10:30PM
500 ml water *1BTL- 1,000 KRW
Room slippers *1EA- 2,000 KRW
Coffee capsule *1EA - 1,000 KRW
Toothpaste & Toothbrush (1-person set): 4,000 KRW
✔️Cleaning (Paid service)
To respect your privacy and enhance your comfort,
Room cleaning services are not automatically provided during your stay.
To request cleaning, please contact us at least one day in advance via mobile frontdesk. (paid service)
- How to request : [Room cleaning request link]
> Service will be confirmed after payment