Netflix and Youtube are available (Please use your personal account.)
If you use a personal account, please make sure to log out before checking out.
If you see "No input signal" on the TV screen :
① Please check if the HDMI cable is connected properly to the selected input socket.
② Turn off the power to the set-top box behind the TV, turn it back on, and wait 5 minutes to connect.
Washing machine
Washable & Dryable
laundry detergent - It is placed above the washing machine.
- How to use: For regular laundry (10kg), use 25ml of detergent.
Hair dryer
Steam iron
1) Press the button to remove the water bottle and fill it with water.
2) ② Press the button to turn it on and preheat it.
3) ③ Press the button to apply steam.
*3 When the button is lowered, steam is fixed.
*The steam is very hot, so please be careful of burns.