Address : 752, Jungang-daero, Busanjin-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea (Seomyeon station, Truelcentral)
KOR address : 부산 부산진구 중앙대로 752, 서면역 트루엘센트럴
How to visit 'Urbanstay' (Transport)
* Gimhae Airport - > Subway |
BGL Airport Station (towards Sasang) -> Transfer to Line 2 at Sasang station (towards Gamjeon, Jangsan) -> Seomyeon Station -> From exit 12, walk 70m and turn right. |
Check it on Naver map
Check it on Google map
- Please search for "Urbanstay Seomyeon" via Naver map, T-Map, and Kakao Navi.